We change the bouquet style every month, using a variety of techniques including spiraling, hand-tying, gridding, bundled and foraged. We change the colours to match the season with an emphasis on premium and select flowers. Depicted below is our Table Centre Sized Bouquet.
Bloom Service Bouquet Subscriptions
Our flower subscription service, the perfect gift to brighten up someone’s life. Four Options and Four Sizes.
Monthly Bloom Service
Discover the ultimate gift that keeps on giving. Treat yourself or someone special to a bouquet of fresh, seasonal flowers every month...for a whole year!
The added advantage is that for months with Holidays, we time the delivery to two days prior to the holiday. Just imagine for Valentine's, Easter, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and early in the New Year...we've got you covered. The other six months will be on Fridays mid-month.
Each bouquet is a large, hand-tied arrangement ready to pop into a vase; wrapped in our Arrive-Alive system to ensure floral longevity. And we supply the vase for free with the first delivery!
Each month, count on a lush combo that varies to the next to match the season. Each combo includes Line Flowers, Mass Flowers, Filler Flowers, Accent Flowers and lush foliage.
Available in Four Sizes:
Posy: $500 plus tax (10 blooms with three types of foliage)
Table Centre: $600 plus tax (15 Blooms with three types of foliage)
Dining Room: $700 plus tax (20 Blooms with 4 types of foliage)
Foyer: $800 plus tax (25 Blooms with 4 types of foliage)
Available for In-Store Pick Up or GTA Delivery.
Markham Delivery is $180 plus tax.
GTA Delivery is $240 plus tax.
Give us a call at (905) 554-8899 or email us at care@katesgarden.ca to set up your Monthly Bloom Service Subscription.
Three Treats Bloom Service
Three Treats is our "set-it, so you don't forget it" Bouquet Subscription Service. For Valentine's, Birthday & Anniversary (or Mother's Day) for the loves in your life. Just let us know your preferred dates!
10 Blooms & 3 Types of Foliage Posie: $150 plus tax
15 Blooms & 3 Types of Foliage Table Centre: $180 plus tax.
20 Blooms & Four Types of Foliage Dining Room: $240 plus tax.
25 Blooms & Five Types of Foliage: $300 plus tax.
Available for Pick Up or
Markham Delivery is $45 plus tax.
GTA Delivery is $60 plus tax.
Feeling Extravagant? Bi-Weekly Bloom Service
Posy: $1100 plus tax (10 blooms with Three types of Foliage)
Table Centre: $1300 plus tax (15 Blooms with Three Types of Foliage)
Dining Table: $1500 plus tax (20 Blooms with Four Types of Foliage)
Foyer: $1700 plus tax (25 Blooms with Five Types of Foliage)
Holiday Bloom Service
Our Holiday Bloom Service will make sure that you get flowers for every holiday table. Timed two days prior to each holiday: Valentine's, Easter, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and early in the New Year…or the six holidays of your choice or bi-monthly.
Posy: $310 plus tax (10 Blooms with Two Types of Foliage)
Kitchen Table: $360 plus tax (15 Blooms with Three Types of Foliage)
Dining Table: $410 plus tax (20 Blooms with Four Types of Foliage)
Foyer: $460 plus tax (25 Blooms with Five Types of Foliage)
Give us a call at (905) 554-8899 or email us at care@katesgarden.ca to set up your subscription. Let us know if you need pick up or delivery.