Flower Arranging Demos: March - September on Tuesdays at 7PM and 11AM
Flower Arranging Demos: March - September on Tuesdays at 7PM and 11AM
We’ve created Six information and visually packed demonstrations focused on the most popular flowers. Created to help you become a budding Fleurista i.e. someone who knows how to condition flowers, make them last and make artful arranging feel effortless. Small Groups with Expert Instruction.
Your $20 Ticket is a credit towards any purchase you make following the demo.
Rooms In Bloom teaches you how to take a 10 bloom bouquet, convert it into arrangements for 5 rooms and make them last. Tues March 11 at 7pm
Tulip Festival, at the height of the blooming season, teaches you 10 ways to make striking arrangements with tulips and make them last. Tues May 13 at 7pm
Peony Party. Arguably one of the world’s most popular flowers. We teach you how to make them open, ten ways to arrange them elegantly and make them last. Tues Jun 17 at 7pm
Roses & Hydrangeas. Gorgeous but fussy. We teach you how to demystify their care and arrange them beautifully. Tues July 15 at 7pm
Darling Dahlias Stars of the floral world every late summer and fall. We always have a dazzling array on hand grown by local, flower farmers. We teach you how to make them shine even more. Tues Sept 16 at 7pm
Holiday Rooms in Bloom. A minimum of 10 festive looks for easy, almost effortless arrangements to beautify your holiday home. Sat, Nov. 29 at 11am.